These books are suggestions - all links take you to - a website dedicated to reviewing and sharing information on books.
ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture edited by Roger A. Morse and Kim Flottum
The Hive and Honey Bee edited by Joe Graham
First Lessons in Beekeeping by Keith Delaplane
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Beekeeping by Dean Stiglitz and Laurie Herboldsheimer
The Backyard beekeeper by Kim Flottum, Quarry Books, Beverly, MA
A Year in the Beeyard by Roger A. Morse
The New Complete Guide to Beekeeping by Roger A. Morse
Hive Management by Richard E. Bonney
Beekeeping: A Practical Guide by Richard E. Bonney
Biology of the Honey Bee by Mark Winston
Wisdom of the Hive by Tom Seeley
Honeybee Democracy by Tom Seeley
Observation Hives by Tom Webster and Dewey Caron
Honey Bee Biology by Dewey Caron
Bee Sex Essentials by Lawrence J. Connor
Bees: Their Vision, Chemical Senses and Language by K. von Frisch
Increase Essentials by Lawrence J. Connor
Beeswax production, harvesting, processing and products by William L. Coggshall and Roger A. Morse
Queen Rearing and Bee Breeding by Laidlaw and Page
These books are suggestions - all links take you to - a website dedicated to reviewing and sharing information on books.
Successful Queen Rearing by Marla Spivak and Gary Reuter
Beekeeping For Dummies by Howland BlackistonSEMBA Email: |